The Hoffman Group works closely with clients to design and implement both customized in-person and digital training courses. Our longstanding experience and deep engagement with state-of-the art learning practices coupled with our expertise in leadership training, strengthening mental resilience and recovering from trauma, ethics of intelligence and policing, mind fitness, policing divided societies, and counterterrorism planning, analysis, and operations provides readily applicable and value-added instruction designed to fulfill specific client requirements and expectations.
The Hoffman Group’s principals are among the most senior and respected counterterrorism experts in the world. Combining operational knowledge gained in diverse conflictual environments with unparalleled analytical rigor, their backgrounds in intelligence, law enforcement, government, and academe benefit and enhance client decision-making, risk management and assessment, and operations.
The Hoffman Group’s principals have long experience in providing both written and in-person expert testimony in trial proceedings. They have provided decisive testimony in both civil and criminal trials in the United States, Argentina, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom and are experts in forensic investigations, evidence gathering, and analysis.

The Hoffman Group (THG) is a an especially effective resource for law enforcement clients requiring insights, analysis and training related to threats posed by political extremists and other criminals . Our experienced team comprises practitioner-scholars who have deep experience in agent handling, intelligence gathering and analysis, undercover operations, and special weapons and tactics in the United States, Northern Ireland, and Iraq . Their unique combination of vast operational experience and superior intelligence analysis capabilities benefit law enforcement agencies faced with highly dynamic and evolving domestic security environments. THG provides both pre-decision leadership analysis, as well as active situational consultation for law enforcement officials and commanders responsible for the protection of their communities and the safety of their personnel and resources.
To request a copy of THG course catalogue, with over 60 training modules covering a wide array of subjects that, in addition to our foundational counterterrorism work, had already expanded to include leadership and resilience training, mind fitness, ethics, policing divided societies, and special operations tactics, please contact us at
Bruce Hoffman
Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Professor, Council on Foreign Relations, Shelby Cullom and Kathryn W. Davis Senior Fellow for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security
After the October 7 attacks on Israel, Hoffman met with Republican and Democratic lawmakers to explain the consequences for counterterrorism in the region. He also briefed senior members of the intelligence community, including the antiterrorism office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Hometown: The Bronx.
Best career advice he ever received: “Lead by example.”
Last meal would be: “Spicy Shinwari chicken karahi, an Afghan dish.”

Leadership in Violent and Securitized Environments:
Violent and securitized situations quickly lay bare leadership deficiencies. The Hoffman Group's training builds effective leaders based on the timeless principles of vision, resilience, and ethics. THG's unique approach is designed for both emerging and seasoned leaders and is derived from our decades-long experience in law enforcement, intelligence, and academe. Our purpose is to provide leaders with the ability to quickly translate thought into decisive action, especially in dangerous and highly pressurized environments.

Train With The Hoffman Group
The Hoffman Group seeks to provide insights and objectives-driven training into unfamiliar environments to all levels of organizations operating in uncertain conflict environments. These training seminars have been provided in person or through customized online sessions, as needed. We can build a training course that will make your personnel safer and your mission more successful.
To request a copy of THG course catalogue, with over 60 training modules covering a wide array of subjects that, in addition to our foundational counterterrorism work, had already expanded to include leadership and resilience training, mind fitness, ethics, policing divided societies, and special operations tactics, please contact us at
Consult the Hoffman Group
THG cuts through the fog of international relations and evolving domestic and global security. We do this by providing the political, social, linguistic, and cultural insights needed in today’s highly uncertain environment. THG provides more than analysis—they give leaders an advantage in making critical decisions.